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10 tips to arrange an awesome kids party

Kids parties are big business nowadays. We often fall into the trap of wanting to give our kids everything they desire and with very little boundaries the little one's party can run into thousands. Not only are parties heavy on your pocket but it can cause a huge amount of stress as well. The way to avoid this is to plan it way in advance. Continue to read this blog post to find out how to organise a do-it-yourself party that doesn't cost a fortune. I will also share some useful party tips and Cape Town-based party contacts. 1. Planning and preparation One of the key ingredients in your preparation and planning stage should be to answer the 5 Ws and H...  Why? In most instances planning a party is in celebration of your child's birthday so it would take place on or around the actual birth date but sometimes it's a graduation party or just a reason to celebrate.  What? So once you've decided on the date, you can choose the theme. Sometimes a theme m...