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Showing posts with the label Travel

A Thai-rrefic experience

One of the very first conversations I had with my now husband was after my return from a US trip that  included a stint in New York - where I experienced temperatures to the south of zero and every type of precipitation.  This was followed by a skiing holiday at Lake Tahoe in Nevada.  He on the other hand spent two weeks in Thailand and after hearing his stories, an island holiday instantly appealed to me.  So a year later when we were discussing honeymoon destinations, the decision was easy. We would do a few days in the south on the proverbial tropical island, followed by a trip north to the jungle and then stop in Bangkok.  We departed on 11 May 2009 and returned three weeks later.  This was by far my most memorable travelling experience. Koh Samui   From Cape Town, it’s about an 18-hour flight to Thailand’s capital, Bangkok. Koh Samui is another 50 minute flight from Bangkok. We arrived in the evening and I was struck by the unconvent...