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Showing posts with the label Gloria Serobe

A review of Gloria Serobe's 'An Ode to My Mother-in-Law, Winnie Serobe… A mentorship of love and honour'

Life lessons we can all benefit from Hot off the press, ‘An Ode to My Mother-in-law, Winnie Serobe… a mentorship of love and honour’ written by Gloria Serobe launched on National Women’s Day (9 August 2023) in South Africa. This auspicious date also marks the 10th anniversary of Winnie Serobe’s passing. Gloria’s book reflects on her relationship with her mother-in-law, the lessons Mama Winnie imparted to her and how the application of these lessons has improved the lives of so many people that Mama Winnie has touched. Gloria credits a big part of her success to Mama Winnie’s networks that she exposed her to very early on in her career. And the lessons and learnings around caring for the community, lifting as your rise, the true meaning of living a life of service and asking the question, “Is what I’m doing good for all South Africans?”, is some of the things we can all apply in our daily lives.  In the book, Gloria reflects on her journey with the Serobe family, and they are nothin...

A motivational talk by Gloria Serobe

Gloria Serobe, this picture appears on the Wiphold website On Thursday, 14 August 2014, I was privileged to attend a talk by Gloria Serobe . Many know Gloria as a founder of Women’s Investment Portfolio Holdings Limited ( Wiphold ), one of the first Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment companies with all women owners. Like many great stories, Gloria's has humble beginnings from the township of Gugulethu  to being the director on a number of companies' boards. The reason for Gloria's talk was in celebration of women's month and recognising the fairer sex.  Her intro was very powerful as she spoke off the cuff and said she wasn't going to elaborate on the stats as we know what they are. She asked us why we think there aren't more women in top positions, why there are not more success stories like Wiphold, what are we doing wrong or why are we not challenging the status quo and the structures that are holding us back. She said women have stopped being activ...