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Showing posts with the label enjoy the simple things in life

Reflecting on the year that was and the lessons learnt

Usually towards the end of the year I reflect on the months gone by and set my goals for the year ahead. For the last few years this ritual has been preceded by watching The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The Secret taught me a couple of things: to live more consciously to create a vision board with pictures of what you desire and by focusing on this subconsciously and seeing it regularly you attract it into your life (goal/intention setting) obviously you need to do the hard work too and take action to have a positive energy and talk about the good in the world to be grateful and to acknowledge this often, especially to the people you love and appreciate. Continue to read this post as I share some of the lessons I learnt during 2015 through reflection, my experiences and the people I've met and interacted with... Goal setting and the power of a vision board My journey with The Secret started in 2007 and since then I've achieved many of the things I've set my mi...